
The "Dry" display, we had a few Eastern Long Necks here most of the day.
Photo: Graham Stockfeld

The "Wet" Display, we had Eastern Long Neck, Murray River and Broad-shell turtles in here
Photo: Graham Stockfeld

Some of the artwork created by the locals
Photo: Graham Stockfeld

The local preschool kids worked on this masterpiece.
Photo: Graham Stockfeld

Art on display at the Barmah Forest Heritage Centre
Photo: Graham Stockfeld

Art on display at the Barmah Forest Heritage Centre
Photo: Graham Stockfeld

Art on display at the Barmah Forest Heritage Centre
Photo: Graham Stockfeld

Art on display at the Barmah Forest Heritage Centre
Photo: Graham Stockfeld
The grand parade - a flag for each type of turtle
Photo: Graham Stockfeld
Lyn Loger leads the parade
Photo: Graham Stockfeld
Photo: Graham Stockfeld

Author Heidi Knowles reads her childrens book "Badja Bayayaderra -Longneck Turtle -" to the crowd
Photo: Graham Stockfeld

The town crier with a Eastern Long Neck turtle.
Photo: Graham Stockfeld

Graham Stockfeld shows an Eastern Long Neck turtle to Kate.
Photo: Charlotte Stockfeld

Graham Stockfeld shows an Murray River turtle to Andrew.
Photo: Charlotte Stockfeld

The Easter Bunny checking out the turtles.
Photo: Graham Stockfeld

Locals catch up over the "Wet" display.
Photo: Graham Stockfeld